Friday, May 29, 2020

Jefferson, The Third President of the United States

Thomas Jefferson is rightfully considered one of the most prominent figures in the history of the United States. A staunch proponent of freedom and rights of individuals as opposed to the power of the state, he always was and remains a symbol of American spirit, and his name is often mentioned by the representatives of modern right wing as such – as a true American, one of the best embodiments of American ideals, principles and untarnished belief in liberty and individualism. Thomas Jefferson was not simply the third President of the United States and a very important statesman of his time; he was one of the Founding Fathers of the country, one of the men responsible for the creation of the country that in the course of time turned into the most successful and powerful nation in the world. His influence is seen not only in the way the USA developed since then, but in the way the whole world moved to this day. The words added by Thomas Jefferson to the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"All men are created equal†, are often considered to be the most important words in the history of America and, probably, the most important words in the history of modern world in general. He wasn’t the first who stated such a thing – but he was the first who considered that people are not just created equal but should stay equal for the entirety of their lives – at least in what concerns their responsibility before the law. Unlike the majority of other presidents who officially supported the idea of small government, Jefferson remained completely true to his ideals after being elected. He abolished several popularly hated laws that imposed central authority over local administrations (such as Alien and Sedition Acts which main goal was to suppress those disagreeing with the policies of then ruling Federalist party), and strongly supported the rights of individual states as opposed to the power of government. Jefferson effectively decreased the governmental spending and national debt – he believed that the country shouldn’t take loans from abroad and dedicated the majority of his two terms to eliminating the already existing debt by various spending cuts. What is even more fascinating, in addition to introducing various cuts on spending, Jefferson also decreased taxes, eliminating several recently imposed ones, such as a tax on small-time whiskey producers that was widely resented among the population. According to Jefferson, a proper government should get more than enough funding via customs tariffs, and there is no need to tax its citizens. For the majority of his presidency this principle worked as designed, but turned out to be ill-fitted for the conditions of the Napoleonic Wars which almost completely stopped the trade with the Great Britain and France. Another notable accomplishment of Jefferson’s administration (which influenced the situation in the entire world) was its victory in the first war the United States fought after winning their independence – the now almost unknown First Barbary war against Tripoli. The United States refused to pay tribute to the governmentally supported pirates of this state and crushed their resistance, forever ending the age of piracy in the Mediterranean. However, perhaps the most well-known achievement of Jefferson’s was the purchase of enormous Louisiana territory, stretching from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains, from the French. It is notable because it was the first time the United States extended their territory – before that nobody considered the possibility of the country expanding. All in all, Jefferson’s presidency was a remarkable one; and hadn’t it been for the series of setbacks during the Napoleonic wars he probably could have achieved even more.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The theme of Symbolism and War in Persepolis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1490 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: Persepolis Essay Did you like this example? Every war has millions of stories, and people who lived through it all tell the best ones. Persepolis refers to the ancient capital of the Persian Empire, published in the United States in 2003, is a graphic autobiography novel by the Iranian author, Marjane Satrapi. Satrapi details her experience and life before, during and after the Iranian Revolution and the Iran and Iraq war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The theme of Symbolism and War in Persepolis" essay for you Create order Satrapi also includes political and cultural events that helped shape her into the women she is today. The novel begins after the Islamic revolution had started, when Satrapi is only 10 years old. Women were forced to wear the Veil, girls and boys were placed in separate schools, and entertainment activities such as music, playing cards or even having posters of singers were banned. Satrapi, goes by Marji in the book, and her family werent happy about all the changes. Her family was considered modern and secular. Satrapi got in trouble many times throughout the first chapters because of her rebellious acts so her family sent her to Austria. After going through tough times in Austria, Satrapi went back to Iran. She got married and shortly after getting divorced then moved to France for good. Satrapis Persepolis is a fascinating book that illustrates many rhetorical strategies, but the four that affected me the most were her use of imagery, syntax, irony and symbolism. The use of these devices made her story come to life. One of the many rhetorical devices Satrapi uses is Imagery; she uses both visual and verbal imagery. Satrapi uses many visual imagery examples throughout the story since its a graphic novel but the strongest example is when her hometown, Tahran, got bombed. Satrapi was out with a friend shopping when she heard it on the radio. She ran as fast as possible to get home and make sure her house and family were okay. When she made it home, she found out that her mother was home alone at the time and the bomb didnt hit their house. Her mother told her that the bomb destroyed their neighbors house, Baba-Levys. While walking home with her mother, Satrapi looks at the destroyed house and sees an arm with a purple bracelet under a pile of bricks. Starapi immediately remembers her neighbors daughter Neda and looks away, then says, No scream in the world could have relieved my suffering and anger. (Strapi 142) Starapi chose to draw this panel with nothing but a black image to describe her overwhe lming pain and sadness. An example of verbal imagery is when Satrapis parents come home after a long day of protesting against the shah, she describes her parents by saying, After marching and throwing stones all day, by evening they had aches all over, even in their heads.(Satrapi 18) This quote shows how worn out and exhausted her parent were due to all the horrible changes in their country. A second rhetorical technique Satrapi uses is Syntax. Syntax is the grammatical use of words to make well-formed sentences. An example of syntax in Persepolis is when Satrapi was a young girl and realized the differences between the social classes, she said, The reason for my shame and for the revolution is the same: the difference between social classes. (Satrapi 33) Satrapi uses a colon to make her readers feel as if they have made the realization with her. Another use of syntax is when Satrapi was explaining how Iranian felt about the shah, she wanted to create a playful tone by using a colon, she said, The people wanted only one thing: his departure! So finally.. (Satrapi 41) then we see a picture of the Shah, his soldiers and protesters indicating that he left. A third rhetorical device Satrapi uses in Persepolis is irony. Irony is used to describe how things seem and how they really are. There are three different types of Irony, verbal Irony, situational irony and dramatic irony. An example of dramatic irony in Persepolis is when the shah gets dethroned; the United States refused to give him a shelter when they were his biggest supporters when he was still a ruler. Satrapi also uses situational irony when she told the story of her parents and wine in the The Wine chapter. She explains that during the Islamic revolution, people were not allowed to party or drink but her family and friends still did it. One day, her family went to celebrate her newborn cousin. On the way back home, the police stopped them and asked them if they have been drinking, Satrapis father denied it. The police decided to follow them home and search it for any banned items. So when the family got home, Satrapi and her grandmother ran upstairs and got rid of all the wi ne. Satrapis father ended up bribing the police officer and made him leave. After the police had left, Satrapis father wanted alcohol badly but ironically, Satrapi and her grandmother got rid of it all. Another use of situational irony is in the The Passport chapter. Satrapi and her family went to visit her aunt. While they were there, her aunts husband started smoking so his wife got mad at him and asked him to stop smoking because he has had two heart attacks in the past, but her aunts husband said, The stress I get from every gunshot I hear is much worse for me than the cigarettes. (Satrapi 118) Ironically, he gets hospitalized few days later due to his fear from a grenade that his neighborhood and dies. The last and the most important rhetorical device Satrapi uses in Persepolis is Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols to illustrate ideas by giving them important meanings that are different from their natural or exact definition. Starapi uses many examples of symbolism in her novel. One of the most important symbols is her bed. Satrapi mentions her bed many times throughout her story. Its where she does most of her thinking in the novel. We see it through her moments of change and maturing. The bed could symbolize a better world for Satrapi as well as her mind and thoughts. The cigarette in the The Cigarette chapter is also a great use of symbolism. In this chapter, Satrapi makes new friends and ends up skipping class with them. Her mother finds out and gets mad at Satrapi. Satrapi being upset goes down to the basement. While Satrapi is in the basement thinking about all the horrible things going on in her country; she finds a cigarette and smokes it then she says, With this fi rst cigarette I kiss childhood goodbye. (Satrpai 117) The cigarette symbolizes Satrapis independence but it also symbolizes her own act of rebellion against whats going on in her country as well as against her mother who thinks Satrapi was a child still. Another important use of symbolism in Persepolis is the veil. We are introduced to the veil in the very first chapter The Veil. The chapter explains how women and young girls were forced to wear the veils. Satrapi as a young girl, and her friends didnt like wearing the veil simply because they didnt understand why they had to wear it. Wearing the veil wasnt a choice, it was obligated and a set law by the government, all females had to wear it. Satrapis family was modern and didnt like to wear the veil. Satrapi and her mother would only wear it when they go out to avoid getting in trouble, but would not wear it at home. She says, I really didnt know what to think about the veil. Deep down I was very religious, but as a family we were very modern and avant-garde. (Satrapi 6) As time went by, the veil became even more of a big of a deal to the government. Satrapis mother went through an awful and terrible experience because of it. Satrapis mothers car broke down, while waiting for Satra pi and her father to come and get her, she was stopped and insulted by two men because she wasnt wearing the veil. Satrapis mother said, They insulted me. They said that women like me should be pushed up against a wall and raped then thrown in the garbage, and that if I didnt want that to happen, I should wear the veil. (Satrapi 74) The veil in Persepolis symbolizes the abuse and persecution of women and covering their freedom and voice. It also symbolizes the oppressive Iranian government. Satrapis Persepolis is a great book filled with cheerfulness, sorrow and moments of childhood in a world where children were forced to do things they didnt want to do and didnt understand why they had to do it. Where kids had to grow up sooner than the rest of the world. War is a hard subject to write about, but with Satrapis great use of rhetorical strategies, such as imagery, irony, syntax and symbolism, it gave the novel a playful and cheerful tone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Old Man And The Sea - 1121 Words

Gertrude Stein made a tremendous impact on the author of The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude, an American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector, served as a mentor for Ernest. The novelist also served as a godmother to Ernest along with her companion, Alice B. Toklas. Ernest Hemingway used his experience with Gertrude in his 1952 book, The Old Man and The Sea. Santiago and Manolin share a relationship similar to Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. Throughout The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway provides countless details conveying that Manolin and Santiago have a relationship that is more complex than a friendship. Ernest Hemingway portrays Manolin and Santiago’s relationship as all of the following: an†¦show more content†¦Manolin tells Santiago, â€Å"Now we fish together again† (125). Manolin’s parents strip him away from Santiago when he is young, so when Santiago returns, the bond is fulfilled. Manolin and Santiago no lo nger need to wish for each other’s presence. Besides having an inseparable bond, Santiago and Manolin appear to have a relationship similar to one of a student and a teacher. A teacher is a person who teaches. A student is a person who is studying. Manolin acts as Santiago’s student. Santiago acts as Manolin’s teacher. Manolin has been learning and absorbing information from Santiago since he was five years old. Manolin recalls a memory from when he and Santiago first went out: â€Å"I remember everything from when we first together† (13). From the beginning, Manolin has been retaining memories and skills that Santiago has taught him and one with him. Fishing is a very sacred activity to Manolin and Santiago. Manolin is an angler in result of Santiago’s teaching. The book says, â€Å"The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him† (10). Most students and teachers create a special bond; Manolin and Santiago definitely did. Mano lin’s entire fishing career budded from the information that Santiago provided for him. Since Santiago transformed Manolin into the fisherman he is today, Manolin loves him. After Santiago returns from his journey, Manolin becomes anxious. Manolin has been learning from Santiago since he wasShow MoreRelatedThe Old Man And The Sea1561 Words   |  7 Pages The Old Man and The Sea is more than a book about a fish and an old man, it teaches us strength and never giving up on ourselves. The Old Man and The Sea is written by Ernest Hemingway about Santiago, The Old Man. Hemingway is a writer known for his iceberg themes in his novels, where ten percent of its message is what you read and the ninety percent is hidden. That ninety percent is up to interpretation. My interpretation is Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea he expressesRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1154 Words   |  5 PagesThe sea in a way is like a living being. The way it rhythm ically carries itself, showing all of its majestic beauty. The sea has such power, each wave coordinately smashing against whatever stands in its way. Sea erosion, most commonly known as coastal erosion, is the slow process of wave action constantly shaping and reshaping the coastlines of our world. In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway portrays nature as a continuum-an endless progression of the invention and destruction which is ultimatelyRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea900 Words   |  4 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea is a short, but rich novel about an old fisherman who, after eighty-four unsuccessful days in a row, hooks the largest fish of his life. Written by Ernest Hemingway in 1951, and published in 1952, the novel was the last of Hemingway’s novels to be published during his lifetime. The book was praised by critics, and became an immediate success. The story was also awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and was a factor in Hemingway winning a Nobel Pri ze. The story was publishedRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea Essay1718 Words   |  7 Pagesearly to mid 20th century. Known mainly for his success in writing the critically acclaimed novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway had many symbolic meanings instituted throughout this novel and many other works. Many having the theme of a hero confronting a natural force, as seen when Santiago confronts the mighty sea. Along with the heroic themes, Hemingway had become a religious Catholic man growing up and decided to include many religious references and biblical allusions. Since the beginningRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1128 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Analysis 3 The Old Man and the Sea was written by Ernest Hemingway. It was published by the Charles Scribner’s Sons in 1952, and contains 127 pages. The genre is literary fiction. The story is about an old man named Santiago who fishes alone in the Gulf Stream and has been very unsuccessful for the past 84 days. A simple tale, this takes timeless themes of courage of one man’s struggle and personal triumph. The author’s purpose was to write both a realistic andRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1412 Words   |  6 Pagesboth having completely different writing styles and ideas, seem to have an underlying similarity in how they view leadership and heroism. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh both show internal battles and undeniable fate within characters throughout each novel. In The Old Man and the Sea Hemmingway uses Santiago, the old Cuban fisherman, to represent internal transformation, renewed life, triumph, and defeat. Ghosh also represents similar struggles throughRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1586 Words   |  7 Pageswithin the plot of the novel, The Old Man and the Sea and the motion picture, Life of Pi. In the novel, the old fisherman, Santiago spends a few days out at sea attempting to capture the fish of his dreams. He battles through pain, thirst and hunger in order to bring the Marlin to the shore. However, whi le losing his prey, he gains a priceless experience combined with pride, respect and compassion. On the other hand, the main character in the movie survives at sea for 227 days with a wild animal,Read MoreThe Old Man And The Sea1395 Words   |  6 PagesBoth The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway and â€Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London both explore the literary conflict of man verses nature. Both main characters share many similarities; however, they also have various differences that set them apart as well. In The Old Man and the Sea the story is about Santiago, an old fisherman who sets out one day and catches the fish of a lifetime. Santiago then spends multiple days fighting the fish in the middle of the ocean. â€Å"To Build a Fire† is about aRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea993 Words   |  4 Pages one Earnest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, is a captivating story about and old seasoned fisherman named Santiago. It is a tale of his epic struggle with the greatest catch of his life after not catching anything for eighty-four days. He face psychological challenges and encounters multiple villains. Santiago is fishing with a young boy named Manolin and the boy leaves the old man to go on another boat. Hemingway explains to us why they boy had to leave the boat. â€Å"But after fortyRead MoreOld Man and the Sea1537 Words   |  7 Pagesand Jesus Christ. In the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway creates connections between Santiago and Jesus Christ that adds religious coloration to the story. Santiago can be compared to a Christ figure on the basis of his relationships with other characters in the novel. People look up to Santiago, as would a follower to Christ, hereby setting up a comparison between the two. (transition) Since the age of five, Manolin has aided the old man by working alongside him as an apprentice

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Rolex †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Rolex. Answer: Introduction The following is the report of Rolex market plan and analysis of their situation in the market. The components and brand design is implemented and all their innovations includes excellent quality, luxury and beauty and prestige (Terpstra et al. 2012). The brand elements, brand identity and calculated brand equity andmarketing mix are well developed and emphasised in their marketing plan. Further, themarketing objectives and financial objectives for the following 6 months are also given in the report. The implementation strategy and action programs are also discussed in the text. SWOT analysis Strength Rolex is a strong brand among the luxury watches in the global market. The company has expanded in worldwide and they are currently present in the 4000 watchmakers in the 100 countries all over the world. The firm presence of the company in the whole market and high brand equity and awareness of this luxury watches are the aspiration for other companies in the business (Terpstra et al. 2012). Weakness The pricing strategy of the company is already high. The reach of their products has been very limited to the riches of the world. The affordability of their product has been an issue for reaching their market. The younger generation is shifting their focus on the Smartphones, thus shifting their taste and preferences to the cell phones. The utility of the product is decreasing the market share of the company (Slater et al. , 2014). Therefore, the high volume of the product watches and less variation in their products have been the weakness of the company recent years. Opportunities Watches in the industry are a symbol of sophisticated personality or perceived as an object of obsession among the users to reflect their personality. This has been the opportunity for watch industry for last years to develop on this perceived value. The younger generation of this are more addicted to the effective social media visibility. This allows Rolex to have effective media presence among their younger customers segment and catch their attention. The YouTube channels effectively will offer the company to have an open dialogue with their potential customers. Rolex has also the opportunities for increasing their product-customer base and create more value individually. Threats The biggest threat that the company is facing right now is the extinction of watch market while competing with the Smartphones. The substitutes of their watches having impact on the decline of the reliability of Rolex watches have also been the factor of decline in their sales. The high volume and high-end production facility affects the uniqueness of the companys luxury watches. The high volume production has been issues for the company (Cavusgil, Zou, 2012). The low-end watches are known as the me-too products that also threatens the companys overall business. Mission vision and objectives The companys focus has been to manufacture watches that are very precision and high quality in nature. They are also in business of giving high maintenance to their existing customers. The business is expanding every year and plans to expand in the coming years. The name represents excellence and they are continuing with their vision of selling high quality watches to the younger generation and the affluent of the world (Slater et al., 2014). Their recent development of the companys objective was to create a larger audience for the company through social media marketing. The have always emphasizes on creating value on their luxury products, wristwatches. The Defining segmentation, target market, positioning of Rolex Available market of Rolex The company has always targeted for the segment that are rich in monetary terms. People who are high in selectiveness and calibre. Buyers who are very accustomed to flaunt and show off their riches, thus reflecting their perspective of themselves with objects. This segment of people are the focus of Rolexs market plan. Penetrated market The average buyer of their watches is aged between 35. Their hobbies would include any kind of sports as the brand ambassadors of this marketing campaign has always been icons from sports background. Other demography of the people of their sales plan are Swiss tag favouritism individuals of different business executives of the world. The dwellers are in the Singapore, France, China, and Hong Kong, US. The other segment that can be targeted are aged between 21 to 36 years. The young executives who have newly joined the business or at a stage of getting career advancements or reward. This segment of people will have motive to buy the high quality watches to flaunt their new discovered status. The rise in the incomes segment and income trends of Australia shows the population of the incomes segment rising and growth in the numbers of male managers rising by 5.3% out of 7.2%. Potential and target market The feasibility of owning a watch should be taught to this segment. The advertisement should be depicting the overall dynamic images that the company shows in their sales plan. The social media using business professional should be approached through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. He private sector professionals earning more than 1,170,000$ a year can also be a fruitful target segment for the company. The Gifting the children with such objects has been a tradition for many years for Parents as well as the grandparents. Therefore, this target segment can also be targeted. Price range o their watch brands is $5000 to $30,000. The competitors are Cartier and Omega, Tag Heuer. Positioning The brand itself is focused on the wealthy consumers who reflects and represents success, influence and wealth. The designers are well aware of the needs of the audience of the watches and make it with precision, technical perfection and mechanisms. The brands taglines over the years depicts their central brand identity of greatness. Like Live For Greatness, Time is Precious, Waste it Wisely and others. The greatness and precision is regarded for the prestigious riches of the world (Chimhanzi, 2012). Marketing mix of Rolex : 4ps of Rolex Product Rolex offers a product that is has high recognition in the watch industry. The company has a number of range of products, but the most important is the Datejust 41 and are available in steel, bracelet and white gold. The new range of products are also waterproof in nature, which is a unique value proposition with high quality (Chimhanzi, 2012). Price - The level at which the watches has been priced is of great importance for the brand's identity. Therefore, keeping the price or affordability of the watches balance is essential. The marketing mix will be payable in two instalments in whole month. The average AU $ 11,850 Promotion - Rolex success relies on the promotional campaigns. In addition the success factor on the continuation of promotions through magazines, selective television programs newspaper, public relations and through different events that will have maximum visibility. These promotional events are important to increase the awareness of brands. Place The strategized placement of Rolexs is the authentic channel dealers in the wealthiest neighbourhoods and region that helps to set the brands association with quality and excellence. The five star hotels, malls, showrooms are place where the maximum visibility of the brand can happen. Demand Assessment The customer lifetime value is included in the Rolex products that charges a net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with the available and potential customers. The main purpose of this is to provide the customers with the financial values that can have more return on investments for such a lump sum amounts. The Rolex watches hence are very much profitable to buy and can be used in vintage selling (Fifield, 2012). Action programs Digital marketing communication plan Websites the company have a presence of website, for official purpose known as, which can convey the basic message and value proposition to the customer willing to buy their watches. The hyperactive links to their social media presence should be thoroughly optimised and easily available in the front page (Menon et al. , 2014). Social media - Twitter and face book accounts of the company should be thoroughly verified and concerns regarding the followers and of the company that can interact with the officials through this media. The team interaction and should be monitored for updating on regular basis. The You Tube pop up channels and video advertisements can be fruitful for target market. In addition, to the communication of new launch, these videos can be used for featuring other values of Rolex that the brand offers like, reasonable instalments plans and Customer lifetime values propositions and also the unique value proposition (Cravens Piercy, 2012). Implementation strategy Using techniques of online marketing in this market to reach the identified young segments may convey the company's many advantages to facilitate availability other than traditional advertising tools: Traditional way of using the advertisements is to place ads for the company is to use the print media industry. The magazine and newspaper are a traditional way of approaching the high-end customers of watch industry. In addition, billboard in affluent area of target market and digital billboards are needed must be utilised for this advertisements campaign. In addition, the ads in the sporting events can be strategically used with good association with the sponsors. The logo can be included in every possible area for high recognition and visibility. Based on each and every one of available channel of advertisements, Public relations and other event marketing management which operates in different directions has great impact on the companys integrated marketing communication strategies (Cavusgil, S. T., Zou, 2012). This also involves selective advancements in the sector of the identified target audience. The occasion is to bring about the desired get in touch with journalists, gives scope for an operation in different stages with the media, and generates their interest and location (Leigh Gabel, 2015). People attending events and who does volunteer for these events, can be targeted for approaching them more accurately and Assemblage generates a massive emotion, while creating the form of unity, of belonging to something common. This parallel to brand creates the style of life (Doyle Stern, 2012). Positive emotions that relays upon the perceivable products and services of the customers and their loyalty are formed by enhancing the feel of the product. This can be used as an advantage for the product aims for enhancing the feeling too. Image of events can be widely used in the construction of a planned advertising campaign of the company (Cravens Piercy, 2012). Campaigns that are based on the announcements are very effective in terms of creating a effect on customers mind. The beginnings of the events always include press conferences, announcements, posters, invitations, and the final performances course, mass media publications. The focus group of the events and print media audiences are effective to reach the companys followers. Marketing objectives Based on the above criterias that are identified in the text the marketing objectives of the company can be To increase the market visibility of their newly launched products in the global market To increase the sales in volume compared to the sales numbers To increase the digitally integrated marketing communication plan. Financial objectives The financial objectives of the company are always focused to increase the profitability of each year. The new marketing plan of the company also must include production of watches increasing 10% extra. The parameters of increasing the sales must include integrated objectives of sales teams, event management and association, advertisements and public relations and financial teams objectives (Jain Haley, 2012). The company is more focused on the volume production of the watches, which decreases its variable cost of production (Doyle Stern, 2012). Therefore, keeping this in mind the following plan for 6 months of the product launch. Increase the sales in volume by 10% ,given sales are 2000 watches sold per day and an extra 10%, that is 200 more watches must be sold every day Increase the profit percentage as the population growth is rising in Australia at an increasing rate and GDP rate is increasing. The increase in the COGS (cost of goods sold) in the initial 6 months of the product launch can be challenging but achievable in the following month. Conclusion This brand is known as the fortunes most successful brands that are represented all over the world. For 100 years, they are continuing to grow and gaining more new customers in different regions. The further the development of their marketing strategy is developed for 3 to 5 years. In addition, useof newmeans of promotional tools,suchasevent-marketing and online marketing tools,whichwill helpful in catching the interesttothe brandandwouldbring anewcompetitiveness and popularity. The brand has made its name in the Fortunes successful companys list in the last years too and will thrive for the next years. References Cavusgil, S. T., Zou, S. (2012). Behavioral approaches to marketing strategy implementation.Marketing Intelligence Planning,19(6), 400-408. Cavusgil, S. T., Zou, S. (2012). Marketing strategy-performance relationship: an investigation of the empirical link in export market ventures.The Journal of Marketing, 1-21. Chimhanzi, J. (2012). The impact of marketing/HR interactions on marketing strategy implementation.European Journal of Marketing,38(1/2), 73-98. 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